Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back 2 School is No Joking Matter Blog Hop

Many of us have already headed back to school.
Some of us are starting this week.
Then there are the lucky ones who have a few weeks left of summer vacation. 

But, no matter how you slice it, it's going to happen sooner or later. We all have to go back to using our teacher voices, scheduling our bathroom breaks, sitting for hours writing our lesson plans, and sneaking M&Ms when we think no one is looking.

Well, the teachers from Freebielicious would like to take this opportunity to give you all a few things to laugh about during this time of utter panic and total exhaustion. It's time to take a break from the stapler that won't penetrate the wall, the alphabet letter that slipped behind your white board, never to be seen again, and the hundreds of books in your library that are no longer sorted. Don't think about the tons of meetings you are asked to attend when you'd rather be setting up your classroom, or the fact that you have 5 Ashley's in your class, and their last names all begin with the letter B. 

Sit back with a cup of fresh brewed coffee (or chocolate milk, if you're like me and don't drink coffee!) and take a few moments to click through our blog hop and enjoy some hearty laughs. Then, when you are done, you can go back to completing all the tasks on your to do list. I hope you do so with a little less panic and a lot less exhaustion, knowing that you are not the only one wishing you could extend your summer vacation by just a few measly days weeks months.

Head on over to my blog to start the hop!

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