Friday, November 15, 2013

Meet Maria {Kinder-Craze}

Are you there, Freebielicious? It's me, Maria!
You probably know me better by my blog... Kinder-Craze. 

I often hop onto Freebielicoius to share free resources from my classroom, but the whirlwind to share fresh ideas leaves little time for sharing anything personal. I thought it was time to help you know the woman behind Kinder-Craze. 

 I have a few obsessions:
With school supplies.
And concerts. Especially, Lenka and Ingrid Michaelson concerts. 
And finding unique ways to decorate my kindergarten classroom.

I have SO many blessings in my life it is impossible to count them all. I teach in a wonderful Catholic school with a sweet little class of kindergarten students. I get to see both of my parents at work every day too. Now I just need to figure out a way for brother, Mark, to work there too. I also have a great boyfriend. He doesn't get much press, but he is often around. Here you can see a photo of his hand while we shared some apple cider this fall. 
And he doesn't mind when I sneak a quick (or slow) peek at my phone while try to juggle blogging, TpT, and Instagram
Here I am caught in the act!

With so much to be thankful for, I am always happy to give a little something back and and share freebies with all of you. In honor of Thanksgiving, I have a great Interactive Sight Word Reader to share with you called "Thank You God."

Stop by the Kinder-Craze blog to get your freebie. While you're there, be sure to leave a comment and introduce yourself so I can learn a little about you too! 


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