Thursday, October 18, 2012


Greetings friends! We are SO EXCITED to surpass 1,000 followers. All of the FANTASTIC Freebielicious authors teamed up for a giveaway like no other. Make sure you stop by our authors' blogs and show them some blog love! They are the best!!

We will pick three winners, one from each category(FB, Pinterest, & Blog). Make sure you leave a comment with your EMAIL and tell us what you did. Ex. I follow FL on FB. Thanks!

Giveaway ends Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST. GOOD LUCK and no matter what, EVERYONE WINS at Freebielicious!!

Check out these awesome donations!

Good Luck!

Remember you have THREE chances to win. Follow us on FB, Pinterest, & this Blog. Make sure you leave a comment with your EMAIL and tell us what you did. Ex. I follow FL on FB. Thanks!


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